Cooperation with Professionals

Cooperation with the Professional Community 

A.A. Committees for Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C)

In 1970, the Committee on Cooperation with the Professional Community was established by the General Service Board of A.A. The following year, the C.P.C. Committee was created by the General Service Conference.

What is the purpose of a C.P.C. committee?

The members of C.P.C.  committees are responsible for educating professionals and aspiring professionals about Alcoholics Anonymous, including our purpose, location, capabilities, and limitations. The goal of these committees is to improve communication between Alcoholics Anonymous members and professionals in relevant fields. The term “professional” encompasses anyone whose work involves assisting individuals with alcohol-related issues.

At the local level, C.P.C. committees proactively seek opportunities to connect with professionals and design programs that can promote awareness and comprehension of Alcoholics Anonymous.

For more information please email:
District 39 (Abbotsford)
Co-operation with the Professional Community

©AAWS, Inc
excerpts from pamphlets
Cooperation But Not Affiliation
How AA Members Cooperate with Professional